E - Amusement Park
- Straight fwd problem if done simpler one.
- Idea just to apply
priority queue / multiset / map
will lead to TLE.
Naive solution, gave TLE
void solve() {
int n, k;
cin >> n >> k;
ll ans = 0;
priority_queue pq;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int num;
cin >> num;
while (k-- and !pq.empty()) {
auto curr = pq.top();
ans += curr;
if (curr - 1 > 0)
pq.push(curr - 1);
cout << ans << '\n';
Above approach with few optimization.
int n;
long long int K;
scanf("%d%lld", &n, &K);
map<long long int, long long int> mp;
for (int i = 0; i < n i++) {
long long int a;
scanf("%lld", &a);
priority_queue<pair<long long int, long long int> que;
for (auto [key, val] : mp)
que.emplace(key, val);
que.emplace(0, 0);
long long int ans = 0;
while (K > 0 && que.top().fi > 0) {
auto [element, freq] = que.top();
long long int diff = element - que.top().first;
if (diff * freq <= K) {
K -= diff * freq;
ans += sum(element, element - diff) * freq;
freq += que.top().second;
que.emplace(element - diff, freq);
} else {
diff = K / freq;
ans += sum(element, element - diff) * freq
+ (element - diff) * (K % freq);
printf("%lld\n", ans);
##### Approach
- no.s stored in array, frequency wise.
- for a certain element the no.s of element to be shifted down (i.e. -1, till the last smallest element in our queue) will be `that element * it's frequency`
- if this value `element * its_freq` is `<= k`.
- then accordingly smaller element in queue is updated, ans. is updated as well.
- else
- we have to check, with current value of `k` how many elements we can shift down.
- then we will `value down` till that value,
- **CORNER CASE** even if some value of `k` got left as a remainder, we would have to settle this by furher decreasing the value elements.
- Above point is taken care of by line `(element - diff) * (K % diff)`.