
contains category wise problems(data structures, competitive) of popular platforms.

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C. Dijkstra?, Easy

```cpp #define vll vector using ll = long long int; vector<vector> adj = vector<vector>(n + 1); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { ll a, b, w; cin >> a >> b >> w; adj[a].push_back({b, w}); adj[b].push_back({a, w}); } int s = 1; /* source */ vll dist(n + 1, INF); vll path(n + 1, INF); dist[s] = 0; ``` </details>
Implementation stuff
```cpp priority_queue<pll, vector, greater> pq; pq.push({0, s}); /* Format is (distance, vertex) */ while (!pq.empty()) { auto front =; pq.pop(); ll d = front.first; ll u = front.second; if (d > dist[u]) continue; // trying to understand this for (const auto &v : adj[u]) { /* * take v.first as 'to' * u as 'from' */ if (dist[u] + v.second < dist[v.first]) { dist[v.first] = dist[u] + v.second; pq.push({dist[v.first], v.first}); path[v.first] = u; } } } ``` </details>
Tracking Shortest distance ```cpp vll ans; for (int i = n; i != 1; i = path[i]) ans.push_back(i); ans.push_back(1); reverse(all(ans)); ```