
contains category wise problems(data structures, competitive) of popular platforms.

View the Project on GitHub mayankdutta/category-wise-problems

Summer Geeks

- in Summer Geeks they Take 100 students all over india (4 of jmi were selected , PPO- 14lpa )

For Backend

- DSA m nearest greater element 
- Sql joins
- Sql indexing n types
- Oops concepts
- Data abstraction
- Abstract classes
- Virtual functions and uses
- Sql injection
- Class vs interface
- Views and merits/demerits

From me (Data scinece postion)

- What is self join and inner join
- what is LL, DLL, advatages, disadvateges , implementation 
- Projects and went in details for database part in them .
- Inner join queries and nested queries .


- Live To-do app coding 
- Javascript basics