
contains category wise problems(data structures, competitive) of popular platforms.

View the Project on GitHub mayankdutta/category-wise-problems

OPTUM Interview Exp

  1. DSA: Reverse string from middle abcdef->cbafed
  2. Swap 2 variables without using 3rd variable
  3. SQL Query: Maximum Salary
  4. SQL Query: Second Maximum Salary
  5. Difference between postorder and preorder
  6. What is constructor and how would you define a constructor?
  7. diff betweeb c andc++
  8. real life examples of stacks and queues
  9. Is polymorphism possible in C
  10. Python : what are decoraters
  11. Python : Name Key words in python
  12. Python : Is python scripting lang. or programming
  13. Python : Self in python
  14. Python : what iz the use of Zip
  15. Sql : difference bebtween delete and truncate
  16. Sql : how would you delete duplicates in sql
  17. Sql : Types Of joins
  18. Sql : difference between char and var_char
  19. C++ : output for a=1;a=++(a++);cout«++a;

HR Questions:

  1. Why do u wanna join optum?
  2. How do u see urself in optum after 5 years?
  3. what does optum do?
Special question Are you biologically buoy or gal ?