
contains category wise problems(data structures, competitive) of popular platforms.

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188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV

pre requisite

1. states A function that answers the problem for a given state. We need to know what day it is (so we can look up the current price of the stock), and we need to know how many transactions we have left. These two are directly related to the input. The note in the problem description says that we cannot engage in multiple transactions at the same time. This means that at any moment, we are either bought one unit of stock or not bought any stock. We should have a state variable that indicates if we are currently bought stock. This variable is fine as a boolean, but for caching purposes, let's use an integer alternating between 0 and 1 (0 means not bought, 1 means bought). summary 1. i: the ith day. The current price of the stock is price[i]. 2. transactionsRemaining: how many transactions we have left. it goes down by one, when we sell (we can also implement, goes down when purchasing). 3. bought means if we have any prior stock, if it is 1, then we need to sell it before. problem is about maximum achievable profit. Therefore, lets have a function dp where dp(i, transactionsRemaining, bought) returns the maximum achievable profit starting from ith day with transactionsRemaining transactions remaining, and bought indictes if we start with a stock or not. dp(0, k, 0) will be the answer of the original problem. implementation of dp(0, 0, 0) also done and provided.
2. Recurrence relation At each state we will have to decide what to do, based on the status of bought. ```js 1. if we are bought a stock the we have two options. 1. do nothing: dp(i + 1, transactionsRemaining, 1); 2. sell it: dp(i + 1, transactionsRemaining - 1, 0) + prices[i]; 2. if we are not bought a stock the we have two options 1. do nothing: dp(i + 1, transactionsRemaining, 1); 2. buy it: dp(i + 1, transactionsRemaining, 0) - prices[i] ``` to summarise: ```js dp(i, transactionsRemaining, bought) = if bought == 1 max(doNothing, sellStock) otherwise max(doNothing, buyStock) Where, doNothing = dp(i + 1, transactionsRemaining, bought), sellStock = prices[i] + dp(i + 1, transactionsRemaining - 1, 0), and buyStock = -prices[i] + dp(i + 1, transactionsRemaining, 1). ```
3. Base Case If we are out of transactions transactionsRemaining = 0), then we should immediately return 0 as we cannot make any more money. If the stock is no longer on the market (i = prices.length), then we should also return 0, as we cannot make any more money.
Top down implementation
C++ implementation ```cpp class Solution { public: int dp[1001][1001][2]; vector prices; int K; int fun(int i, int k, int bought) { if (k >= K or i >= prices.size()) { return 0; } int &ans = dp[i][k][bought]; if (ans == -1) { int doNothing = fun(i + 1, k, bought); int two; (bought) ? two = fun(i + 1, k + 1, !bought) + prices[i] : two = fun(i + 1, k, !bought) - prices[i]; ans = max(doNothing, two); } return ans; } int maxProfit(int k, vector& prices) { for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 1001; j++) for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) dp[i][j][k] = -1; this->prices = prices; this->K = k; return fun(0, 0, 0); } }; ``` </details>
java implementation ```java class Solution { private int[] prices; private int[][][] memo; private int dp(int i, int transactionsRemaining, int bought) { // Base cases if (transactionsRemaining == 0 || i == prices.length) { return 0; } if (memo[i][transactionsRemaining][bought] == 0) { int doNothing = dp(i + 1, transactionsRemaining, bought); int doSomething; if (bought == 1) { // Sell Stock doSomething = prices[i] + dp(i + 1, transactionsRemaining - 1, 0); } else { // Buy Stock doSomething = -prices[i] + dp(i + 1, transactionsRemaining, 1); } // Recurrence relation. Choose the most profitable option. memo[i][transactionsRemaining][bought] = Math.max(doNothing, doSomething); } return memo[i][transactionsRemaining][bought]; } public int maxProfit(int k, int[] prices) { this.prices = prices; this.memo = new int[prices.length][k + 1][2]; return dp(0, k, 0); } } ```
bottom up implementation Again, the recurrence relation is the same with top-down, but we need to be careful about how we configure our for loops. The base cases are automatically handled because the dp array is initialized with all values set to 0. For iteration direction and order, remember with bottom-up we start at the base cases. Therefore we will start iterating from the end of the input and with only 1 transaction remaining.
java implementation ```java class Solution { public int maxProfit(int k, int[] prices) { int n = prices.length; int dp[][][] = new int[n + 1][k + 1][2]; for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int transactionsRemaining = 1; transactionsRemaining <= k; transactionsRemaining++) { for (int bought = 0; bought < 2; bought++) { int doNothing = dp[i + 1][transactionsRemaining][bought]; int doSomething; if (bought == 1) { // Sell stock doSomething = prices[i] + dp[i + 1][transactionsRemaining - 1][0]; } else { // Buy stock doSomething = -prices[i] + dp[i + 1][transactionsRemaining][1]; } // Recurrence relation dp[i][transactionsRemaining][bought] = Math.max(doNothing, doSomething); } } } return dp[0][k][0]; } } ```
C++ implementation ```cpp class Solution { public: int maxProfit(int K, vector &prices) { int n = prices.size(); int dp[n + 1][K + 1][2]; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) for (int transactions = 0; transactions <= K; transactions++) for (int bought = 0; bought < 2; bought++) dp[i][transactions][bought] = 0; for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int transactions = K - 1; transactions >= 0; transactions--) { // for (int transactions = 1; transactions <= K; transactions++) { for (int bought = 0; bought < 2; bought++) { dp[i][transactions][bought] = dp[i + 1][transactions][bought]; if (bought) { dp[i][transactions][bought] = max(dp[i + 1][transactions + 1][!bought] + prices[i], dp[i][transactions][bought]); } else { dp[i][transactions][bought] = max(dp[i + 1][transactions][!bought] - prices[i], dp[i][transactions][bought]); } } } } return (dp[0][0][0]); } }; ``` </details> </details>
Time complexity The time and space complexity of this problem for both implementations is the number of states since the recurrence relation is just a constant time formula. If n = prices.length, then this means the time and space complexity is O(n k 2) = O(n k)O(n⋅k⋅2)=O(n⋅k).