1770. Maximum Score from Performing Multiplication Operations
Top down implementation
some key points:
- Since we’re doing top-down, we need to decide on two things for our function DP.
- What state variables we need to pass to it, and what it will return.
- We are given two input arrays: nums and multipliers. The problem says we need to do m operations, and on the ith.
- operation, we gain score equal to multipliers[i] times a number from either the left or right end of nums,
- which we remove after the operation. That means we need to know 3 things for each operation:
- suppressing our states.
- It may seem like we need all 3 of these state variables, but we can formulate an equation for one of them using the other two.
- If we know how many elements we have picked from the leftside, left, and we know how many elements we have picked in total, i,
- then we know that we must have picked
i - left
elements from the rightside.
- The original length of nums is n, which means the index of the rightmost element is
right = n - 1 - (i - left)
- Therefore, we only need 2 state variables: i and left, and we can calculate right inside the function.
Wrong Implementation
#define vvi vector<vector>
#define vi vector
class Solution {
vvi dp;
int n, m;
vector nums, multipliers;
int fun(int i, int l, int r) {
// printf("%d %d %d \n", i, l, r);
if (i >= m) return 0;
if (l > r) return 0;
int &one = dp[i][l];
int &two = dp[i][r];
if (one != -1 and two != -1) return max(one, two);
else if (one == -1 and two != -1) return two;
else if (one != -1 and two == -1) return one;
else {
int one = fun(i + 1, l + 1, r) + nums[l] * multipliers[i];
int two = fun(i + 1, l, r - 1) + nums[r] * multipliers[i];
return max(one, two);
int maximumScore(vector& nums, vector& multipliers) {
n = nums.size();
m = multipliers.size();
this -> nums = nums;
this -> multipliers = multipliers;
dp = vvi(m + 1, vi(n + 1, -1));
return fun(0, 0, n - 1);
Top-Down implementation
class Solution {
vector<vector> dp;
int n, m;
vector nums, multipliers;
int fun(int i, int l) {
if (i >= m) return 0;
int r = (n - 1) - (i - l);
if (l > r) return 0;
int &ans = dp[i][l];
if (ans != -1) return ans;
ans = max(fun(i + 1, l + 1) + nums[l] * multipliers[i],
fun(i + 1, l) + nums[r] * multipliers[i]);
return ans;
int maximumScore(vector& nums, vector& multipliers) {
n = nums.size();
m = multipliers.size();
this -> nums = nums;
this -> multipliers = multipliers;
dp = vector<vector> (m + 1, vi(m + 1, -1));
return fun(0, 0);
#### Bottom up implementation
- it is often harder to implement, because the order in which we iterate needs to be precise.
- we need to iterate backwards starting from m (because the base case happens when i equals m).
- We also need to initialize DP with one extra row so that we don't go out of bounds in the first iteration of the outer loop.
- Try to apply loops in such a way to keep minimise distance from the `BASE CASES`, we have to build the solution upon the base case.
code implementation
class Solution {
int maximumScore(vector& nums, vector& multipliers) {
int n = nums.size();
int m = multipliers.size();
vector<vector> dp(m + 1, vector(m + 1, 0));
for (int i = m - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (int left = i; left >= 0; left --) {
int right = (n - 1) - (i - left);
dp[i][left] = max(dp[i + 1][left + 1] + nums[left] * multipliers[i],
dp[i + 1][left] + nums[right] * multipliers[i]);
return dp[0][0];