
contains category wise problems(data structures, competitive) of popular platforms.

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1202. Smallest string with swaps

```cpp class UnionFind { public: vector p, s; UnionFind(int n) { p = s = vector(n + 2, 0); for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) p[i] = i; } bool is_same(const int& a, const int& b) { return find(a) == find(b); } int find(int i) { return (i == p[i] ? i : p[i] = find(p[i])); } void merge(int a, int b) { int x = find(a); int y = find(b); if (x == y) return; if (s[x] > s[y]) swap(x, y); p[x] = y; s[x] += s[y]; } }; class Solution { public: string smallestStringWithSwaps(string s, vector<vector>& pairs) { int n = s.size(); UnionFind dsu(n); for (const auto& i: pairs) dsu.merge(i[0], i[1]); vector<multiset> graph(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int a = dsu.find(i); int b = i; graph[a].insert(b); } string ans; ans.resize(n); for (const auto& i: graph) { string temp; for (const auto& j: i) temp.push_back(s[j]); sort(temp.begin(), temp.end()); int k = 0; for (const auto& j: i) ans[j] = temp[k++]; } return ans; } }; ``` </details>