topological sorting, longest path
2050. Parallel Courses III , Hard
- question was really simple to understand
- we have been given several directed edges, we had to identify the longest path.
- What make it difficult.
- At first glance it may seem djikstra problem, but IT IS NOT.
- We will do kind of
djikstra relaxation
, but at topological step.
- Approach
- Store the indegrees of vertices.
- Store apriori the distance of vertices who have
indegree == 0
- Then during calculating the topological order, just add a relaxation step.
- If
distance of child
happens to be less then distance of parent
+ weight of the vertex
- then update the values
Sample Code
vector<vector> graph(n);
vector inDegree(n), dist(n, 0);
for (auto& i: relations) {
int a = i[0], b = i[1];
a --, b --;
inDegree[b] ++;
queue qu;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (inDegree[i] == 0) {
dist[i] = time[i];
while (!qu.empty()) {
auto u = qu.front();
for (auto& v: graph[u]) {
dist[v] = max(dist[v], dist[u] + time[v]);
if (--inDegree[v] == 0) {
return *max_element(begin(dist), end(dist));