
contains category wise problems(data structures, competitive) of popular platforms.

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2375. Construct Smallest Number From DI String

Implementation ```cpp class Solution { public: string pattern; string temp; map<char, bool> used; string ans; void fun(int i) { if (i == pattern.size()) { if (ans.empty()) ans = temp; else ans = min(ans, temp); return; } if (pattern[i] == 'I') { for (char ch = temp.back() + 1; ch <= '9'; ch++) { if (used[ch]) continue; temp.push_back(ch); used[ch] = true; fun(i + 1); used[ch] = false; temp.pop_back(); } } else { for (char ch = temp.back() - 1; ch >= '1'; ch--) { if (used[ch]) continue; temp.push_back(ch); used[ch] = true; fun(i + 1); used[ch] = false; temp.pop_back(); } } } string smallestNumber(string pattern) { this->pattern = pattern; for (char ch = '1'; ch <= '9'; ch++) { temp.push_back(ch); used[ch] = true; fun(0); used[ch] = false; temp.pop_back(); } return ans; } }; ```



If we meet I,II,III...
we can greedily pick the smallest numebr.

If we meet D,
we can pick second smallest and then pick the smallest,
like 21.

If we meet D,
we can pick the third smallest, then the second smallest, then the smallest,
like 321.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Match the input string and the sequence 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
Reverse all numbers between "I".

For example:
first 'I' at 3, then reverse 1,2,3, we have 3,2,1
second 'I' at 6, then reverse 4,5,6, we have 6,5,4
Reverse the last group 7,8,9, we have 9,8,7

Final result for D D I D D I D D,
is 3,2,1,6,5,4,9,8,7

Implementation ```cpp class Solution { public: string smallestNumber(string s) { string ans = "123456789"; for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { if (s[i] == 'D') { int start = i - 1; while (i + 1 < s.size() && s[i + 1] == s[i]) { i ++; } reverse(ans.begin() + start + 1, ans.begin() + i + 2); } } return ans.substr(0, s.size() + 1); } }; ```
Implementation ```cpp class Solution { public: vector diStringMatch(string s) { int mx = 0; int mn = 0; vector ans; ans.push_back(0); for (auto i: s) { if (i == 'I') ans.push_back(mx + 1), mx ++; else if (i == 'D') ans.push_back(mn - 1), mn --; } for (int i = 0; i < ans.size(); i++) ans[i] -= mn; return ans; } }; ``` </details>