
contains category wise problems(data structures, competitive) of popular platforms.

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146. LRU Cache

Code ```cpp struct Node { int value; int key; Node *next; Node *prev; Node() : next(nullptr), prev(nullptr), key(-1), value(-1) { } }; class LRUCache { public: Node *head, *tail; unordered_map<int, Node*> mp; int capacity; LRUCache(int capacity) { this->capacity = capacity; head = new Node(); tail = new Node(); head->next = tail; tail->prev = head; } int get(int key) { if (!mp.count(key)) return -1; remove(mp[key]); add(mp[key]); mp[key] = head->next; return head->next->value; } void put(int key, int value) { if (mp.count(key)) { remove(mp[key]); mp.erase(key); } if (mp.size() == capacity) { mp.erase(tail->prev->key); remove(tail->prev); } auto temp = new Node(); temp->key = key; temp->value = value; add(temp); mp[key] = head->next; } void add(Node *temp) { temp->next = head->next; head->next->prev = temp; head->next = temp; temp->prev = head; } void remove(Node *temp) { temp->prev->next = temp->next; temp->next->prev = temp->prev; } }; /** * Your LRUCache object will be instantiated and called as such: * LRUCache* obj = new LRUCache(capacity); * int param_1 = obj->get(key); * obj->put(key,value); */ ```